Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Lost Verse from "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert Service

in response to the 6th graders' homework tonight...

I was at first relieved that my eyes, not deceived,
            saw Sam McGee well and alive;
But my anger did surge and I fought off the urge
            to punch him with closed fingers five.
“You scoundrel, you lout!” I yelled with a shout
            over the din of the raging flame.
“You’re warm here within, with that dopey grin,
            while I toil…this isn’t a game!”
He looked awfully nervous, “You’ve done me a Service,”
            he said as his breath it did bloom.
“No need to be glum, Cap, my old chum.
            C’mon in! There’s plenty of room.

©Jeff Wilson, 2012